To protect your business, we send a notice about every change we make.
We proactively remain on top of any security risks and threats so that you can sleep well knowing that your personal data is confidential and secure.
We send alerts when account information has been changed.
We enforce multi-factor authentication for clients and available for employees.
We have physical security measures for all assets and facilities.
We have installed data backup and recovery systems in case of environmental hazards.
We perform penetration tests, to find and correct potential threats before they become a risk.
We respond to possible threats with early alerts, tracking and elimination of any computer virus on our network.
We regularly conduct security training and exercises for internal users.
To help you avoid potential fraud, be aware that if you get a call from the IRS… it might not really be the IRS. How to determine if it’s more likely a scam?
If someone claims to be from the IRS, or asks for money, or requests that you verify your identity, STOP everything and take these next steps: