The Payroll Mistakes Checklist

Payroll mistakes chip away at your bottom line. Protect your business and improve your payroll by avoiding 9 common payroll pitfalls.

Our checklist covers:

  • The danger of ledger mistakes that lead to messy books and audit flags.
  • Why you should never mix business and personal finances.
  • When you actually need to bring in tax experts.

Plus 6 other payroll errors and how to fix them.

Get your free copy now!



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Don't Let Payroll Mistakes Hold You Back

Every pay period that passes with crucial payroll mistakes can cost you money. 

Learn where things commonly go wrong and keep your processes running smoothly in our payroll mistakes checklist.

What our clients are saying...

"ConnectPay simply cares about your business, they treat you like a partner not a client. ConnectPay is focused on small and medium sized businesses, able to create real value by simplifying all things payroll, allowing you to focus on growing your business."

Jim Barton
Allegra Printing

“When we transitioned to ConnectPay, I did not go along happily because I thought my situation was fine. Much to my surprise, my Connected Rep made my job so much easier. He took the time to learn about our office, provide various options to situations I’ve had, and never gave me the feeling that a question was unnecessary.

Jennifer Perry
Blossom Innovations

“Everyone I deal with at ConnectPay is so patient and helps me navigate through any problems I’ve had doing manual checks for 3 years. The system is very user-friendly and our taxes are done in a timely manner, even working directly with my bookkeeper.”

Rich Bond
Bond & Company