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Aug 21, 2024 Erin Crowley

4 Reasons to Work With a Small-Business-Focused Payroll Provider

4 Reasons to Work With a Small-Business-Focused Payroll Provider

You’re a dreamer, an innovator, a problem-solver–the kind of person who turns an idea into a thriving small business. You’re passionate about your product or service, and you’re dedicated to building a successful company. If we had to guess, payroll isn’t sitting at the top of your excitement list. 

We get it. For most, payroll is about as thrilling as watching paint dry. It's one of the necessary evils of running a business. 

It’s paperwork, calculations, tax filings, and a constant worry about making sure everything is correct. It boils down to a tedious to-do list of tiny, imperative tasks that complete your most important to-do of all: getting your people paid. On time, every time. 

But with the right small-business-focused payroll provider: payroll doesn’t have to be a headache.

As a small business owner, you deserve a payroll provider who understands your world. Someone who knows that your time is precious and that every dollar counts. Someone who can handle the complexities of payroll so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

That’s where a small-business-focused payroll provider like our team here at ConnectPay comes in.

Why Choose a Small Business-Focused Payroll Provider?

1. Deep Understanding of Your Day-to-Day Reality

At ConnectPay, we know that every business started as a small business–we’ve been there. We know the challenges you face–and understand that every dollar saved is a dollar reinvested into your business. 

A small business-focused team like ours at ConnectPay has the expertise to navigate the complex world of payroll regulations while keeping your unique needs in mind. We’re not just processing numbers. Consider the right payroll provider as your partner in your business’s success–taking care of your most valuable asset: your people.

2. Reliable Customer Support When You Need It

Imagine this: You’re in the middle of a busy day, and experience an issue running payroll. You call your payroll provider, and you’re put on hold for hours or faced with endless prompts. Frustrating, right? A big press-zero. 

And beyond frustrating–what if the issue isn’t taken care of in time? Payroll errors can create real financial problems your valued staff and penalties for you. Not to mention, payroll errors quickly erode the trust between you and your employees. 

Statistics show 24% of employees start browsing for new jobs after a single payroll error. And since the average person changes jobs every three years–that can become a big number.  

When you call us, we pick up the phone. Our No Voicemail guarantee ensures that your questions will be answered during business hours. With ConnectPay, you can forget the days of service tickets and hold queues. We’re real people, ready to get yours paid. 

We’re here to answer your questions, resolve issues, and provide guidance. Because we know that payroll problems can quickly become business problems–and people problems.

3. Expertise in Local Taxes and Regulation

Payroll taxes are an ever-changing maze of confusing rules and regulations. If you’ve got employees working in multiple states, your taxes can quickly become time-consuming at the least–and a liability at the worst–if done incorrectly. 

Stay compliant and avoid costly penalties by partnering with a proactive payroll provider who specializes in your local taxes.

Better yet: work with a small-business-focused team like ours at ConnectPay that handles payroll taxes on your behalf. We know the ins and outs of state and local tax laws, and take care of filings, withholdings, and regular deposits, so you don’t have to. And if the IRS comes knocking, we’ve got your back with a no-mistakes guarantee.

4. Flexibility and Customization

Small business is fluid, and your payroll needs may change by the month, or the quarter. Whether you're hiring new employees, adjusting pay rates, or dealing with seasonal fluctuations, we can help. The right small business-focused payroll provider offers the flexibility to adapt to your changing needs. 

We offer flexible, personalized payroll–at an affordable price. With our team, you can run payroll with or without all the bells and whistles.

And as your business grows, you might consider implementing our payroll integrations like:

  • Digital time and attendance tools–with PTO tracking technology
  • HR Resources
  • Automated Benefits Administration

Unlike other providers, we’re not concerned about upsells–we’re concerned about your needs. We’re here to provide the services you need, only if you need them–and we price that way too

And as your business grows, you might need to outsource ancillary services beyond our expertise in Payroll. Instead of poking around on Google for a new CPA, you can rely on our Connected Payroll network for client-approved recommendations for ancillary services like:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Accounting
  • HR/People Management
  • Retirement Savings
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Health Benefits

With our team, you can save your sense of adventure for trying a new pizza place, not an insurance broker without any reviews.

Are You Ready to Simplify Payroll? 

If you’re sitting on hold with your current payroll provider, we hope you’ll schedule a free Payroll and Tax Compliance Review with our team to start exploring your options.

Let us show you how a small-business-focused payroll provider can help you re-invest time and resources back into your business. We’ll take care of payroll–so you can focus on what matters.

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Published by Erin Crowley August 21, 2024